The Caribbean Belle DIY Expo Experience

Weddings are a production and collaboration of many vendors providing excellence in their respective areas for the grand finale..... and that grand finale has transformed over the years into a showpiece of tradition, culture and personal style.
There were many vendors there which was a good opportunity for networking and chatting with couples as well as brides and grooms about the various aspects of their wedding.

Decor is always a major part of a wedding. It brings the theme of the couple and their ideas to life. The ambience and setting created by the decor for a wedding speaks to everyone who touches the event, giving every individual, a unique experience. The DIY expo showcased at least five decorators, all of which had unique decor ideas in their own right. The excitement of couples at the various booths was interesting. The new styles of decor included mirrored glass, cascading, squared flower walls and organic and rustic themes. All tastefully done by each event designer of the respective companies. Decor is one of the main vendors a couple pay attention to as they want their feeling s and emotions wrapped into the decor to create that magical experience on their special day. When selecting a decorator, be sure to checkout their reviews, past jobs as well as their reliability and accessibility. It is also important that a decorator work within budgets provided, and is able to advise on what can work best within that budget while still providing the look and setting desired. Once your decorator is secured, be sure to confirm a date for a mock up of the design to ensure there are no surprises on the day.


The wedding cake is another signature piece of a wedding that everyone always gravitates to for pictures and to admire the detail and beauty of the selected design. Traditionally wedding cakes were fruit cakes, but today, wedding cakes are done in any flavour selected. there were as many as 15 different options of flavours available for wedding cakes at the DIY expo. The wedding cake is a piece of art that represents something special for the bride and groom. The top tier of the cake is usually fruit cake as this tier is kept for 1 year later to celebrate the anniversary of the couple. When selecting your vendor for your wedding cake, be sure to do a tasting/sampling to determine which flavours and vendors you prefer for this special day. Its also a a good idea to pay attention to the reviews, past designs to ensure that your design and detail can be achieved by the baker, the exact way you envision it.

The Expo was a great opportunity for vendors to showcase their products and services while showing off their breathtaking designs in decor, wedding attire and wedding cakes to name a few. Couples and families arrived in their numbers to have a good view of the latest trends and styles in all the aspects of their big day. It was a great pleasure interacting with so many couples and getting a feel for the cultures and different traditions that they were interested in. It was an interesting experience and solidified that our vendors, products and services are versatile to accommodate all styles, trends and cultures.
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