Tips for a Successful Marriage

One of the elements before getting married is the engagement weekend or counseling which the couple attends over a period of time. This particular element on the journey to marriage allows the couple to get to know each other a little better along with the expectations and compromising required for a successful union. As a result, Fantasy to Reality Bridal Services collaborated with Elijah of MotivationTT - a close friend and colleague, to add a different aspect to the service provided to clients, which could be useful and beneficial for all. Elijah's motivational blogs and advice allowed me to extend his service and tips for a successful marriage to this particular couple, who were happy to indulge into this additional service which I would like to share on my blog, stating the tips provided by Elijah of MotivationTT: Tip #1: Communicate effectively Probably the most important tip I could give any couple is to keep communication lines open. Many time...