Tips for a Successful Marriage

One of the elements  before getting married is the engagement weekend or counseling which the couple attends over a period of time. This particular element on the journey to marriage allows the couple to get to know each other a little better along with the expectations and compromising required for a successful union.

As a result, Fantasy to Reality Bridal Services collaborated with Elijah of MotivationTT - a close friend and colleague, to add a different aspect to the service provided to clients, which could be useful and beneficial for all. Elijah's motivational blogs and advice allowed  me to extend his service and tips for a successful marriage to this particular couple, who were happy to indulge into this additional  service which I would like to share on my blog, stating the tips provided by Elijah of MotivationTT:

Tip #1: Communicate effectively

Probably the most important tip I could give any couple is to keep communication lines open. Many times I notice that during the courting stage, some couples never develop their conversations beyond the discussion of superficial things. While I agree that there is a time and place for all the lovey-dovey chit chat, there are times when the couple needs to sit back and really reflect on the direction of their relationship. It is important that couples trash out what are each other’s needs and wants; what are each other’s goals and expectations from the relationship. There may also be unique issues that each couple face. It would be useful before taking the next step into marriage to discuss ways to overcome those issues.
It is also important to realize that a marriage is where two become one. Two different persons from two separate families and backgrounds will be coming together. Spend time talking with each other to better understand each other's perspectives on different things. For example, what are their views on living near their in-laws; on furthering their education; on children; on money; on owning or renting a home.
Keep the window of communication open and try as much not to leave your significant other in the dark on pertinent matters that affect the both of you.

Tip #2: Establish goals and make note of them
Further to the above tip, couples should set milestones for their marriage. This ensures that the couple could, in a sense, account for their years in the relationship. It is also a good way to spot achievements and be able to celebrate them. So, go ahead, sit and enjoy each other’s company; chat about plans for your big day; talk about what targets you have set for yourselves within your first couple years after tying the knot; discuss your education goals; bring up those health goals; be sure to raise the topic children - how much and when do you get started.  You get the picture.

Tip #3: Pray together

There is an old saying: “The family that prays together, stays together.” These days, in this fast paced world, with all its ills, it is important to remember the importance of having a strong spiritual life. Spend a few moments each day, or as often as time would allow, to meditate and gain a closer relationship with God. Spiritual fulfillment replenishes the soul and can rejuvenate a weary body.

Tip #4: Make decisions together
This is especially important for financial decisions. Keep in mind that the management of finances may not be everyone’s strength. Nevertheless, always try to involve your significant other in the decision-making. Take the time to explain and justify your decision to your partner; (s)he would be very appreciative of your patience. Also, it will ensure that no one feels left out when decisions are made. It's never too late to create a budget for the relationship. Start there and discuss how the spending should go moving forward.

Tip #5 Learn to compromise
There would be times in your marriage when you may not have the last say on a matter. For example, your partner may be feeling a bit under the weather and may not be up to a visit to the in-laws this weekend; or (s)he may not fancy the food at your favourite restaurant. Whatever the case, it is important to know that your future spouse has wants and needs just like you. It will be in your best interest to understand these needs and wants beforehand so you can better respond to them as you move forward.

After the meeting, the couple were happy to have had this interactive session. The praises for Elijah's calm and collective delivery to the couple with some elements of humour, augured well for a balance of energies. A truly great experience and collaboration that I would recommend to all persons getting married moving forward and utlize in meetings with clients. It brought a sense of grounding to the whole process and I highly recommend the motivational tips from MotivationTT. Indeed a pleasure working with Elijah and would definitely collaborate for future meetings going forward as this was a pleasant success for all parties involved.

Visit MotivationTT for more information and contact information for your personal tips on any given topic or advice at


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